Neill Sullivan is the CEO of Sullivan Management Company (SMC East Bay), and also the founder of REO Homes in Oakland.
The SMC is a major Bay Area source for property rentals. They offer freshly renovated rental properties, mainly in the city of Oakland (particularly West Oakland), but they also have a few prime selections in Berkeley and in Emeryville.
REO Homes of Oakland is a restoration company responsible for home renovations of properties purchased by Neill Sullivan. Many of these properties have been renovated and restored, and are made available as rentals to incoming tenants.
Special tenant conveniences from SMC include multiple online rent payments. This feature enables roommates to each make their own portion of the rent payment online, independently of the other roommates.
The transformation of West Oakland began when Neill Sullivan, among other real estate investors, bought a number of vacant, bank owned West Oakland properties at on-site foreclosure sales. Many of these homes had sat vacant and neglected for many years. These homes were uninsurable, so banks were reluctant to extend loans for them.
After creating Sullivan Management Company and REO Homes of Oakland, Neill Sullivan went to work. Some of his properties he sold to locals after making repairs. Other properties he renovated, using local contractors and laborers. These renovated units were then either rented out to tenants or sold. Buyers were now able to get bank loans for Neill Sullivan’s renovated homes.
He made it look easy, but it took many years and a lot of hard work to assist in improving the neighborhood of West Oakland, which has always been so conveniently located just seven short minutes from San Francisco.
The plain truth is that by investing in a city he loved (Oakland) at a time when very few were willing to take the risk, Neill Sullivan seized an opportunity, while also restoring a long neglected Oakland neighborhood. The companies he founded for this purpose are the Sullivan Management Company (SMC East Bay), and REO Homes of Oakland.
Neill Sullivan is especially known for giving to the community in which he has invested so much of his money, effort, and time. These gifts are aimed mainly toward strengthening West Oakland communities, beautifying West Oakland neighborhoods, and keeping West Oakland residents healthy and safe.
Recent donations from SMC include cash contributions to the West Oakland DASH (Diabetes and Sports Health) Camp, the Playworks organization, the West Oakland Mural Project, the Sullivan Community Space, and cost-free martial arts classes, to name just a few.
Neill Sullivan has also paid out of pocket for the planting of hundreds of trees along the sidewalks of West Oakland, as well as for a neighborhood trash pickup service.
Outside of West Oakland, Neill Sullivan has made a generous cash donation to San Francisco’s Glide Memorial Church, a non-denominational church that provides food, shelter, protection, and other emergency services to San Francisco’s homeless population.
Thank you, Neill Sullivan for helping West Oakland!
Neill Sullivan businesses were created for the purpose of restoring the neighborhood of West Oakland to its long forgotten former glory. West Oakland had been seriously neglected for decades, despite being a prime area known for its perfect weather, and despite being located only seven minutes from San Francisco by train.
Neill Sullivan is a real estate developer and entrepreneur who serves as the president and CEO of Sullivan Management Company (SMC East Bay). He is also the Chief Executive Officer of REO Homes of Oakland.
SMC manages and rents out renovated properties in and around West Oakland (including Berkeley and Emeryville), while REO Homes of Oakland is responsible for restoring and renovating formerly abandoned or neglected homes in the area.
Neill Sullivan is the guiding force behind many renovated West Oakland apartment rentals and home restorations. He is also responsible for various neighborhood improvements and frequent sponsorships of community events.
Neill Sullivan, who grew up in California, holds a dual degree in development economics and Spanish from UC Berkeley. After finishing college, he spent the better part of two years living in Spain and Venezuela. Since then, he has lived continuously in the Bay Area for the past 20 years.
Neill Sullivan is best known for his wise West Oakland real estate investments over the past few years. During that time, he bought a number of bank owned real estate properties in and around West Oakland at foreclosure sales.
Then he went to work on renovating these properties, as well as funding the implementation of various neighborhood enhancements to beautify the area of West Oakland.
Among the local improvements paid for by Neill Sullivan are the planting of hundreds of trees along West Oakland sidewalks, a neighborhood trash pickup service, and a community center called the Sullivan Community Space.
Neill Sullivan is a big part of the big picture: The current and long awaited trend toward West Oakland neighborhood improvements.
Neill Sullivan is a smart businessman who saw an opportunity to purchase foreclosed properties that NOBODY was buying. The endeavor was a success, and West Oakland is finally getting more of the attention it deserves.
In giving back to the community, Neill Sullivan businesses sponsor a number of community improvements and local projects that benefit low income families in and around West Oakland.
Among his most recent community efforts are contributions to the DASH (Diabetes and Sports Health) Camp of West Oakland, the Playworks organization, the West Oakland Mural Project, and the Sullivan Community Space, to name only a few.
Neill Sullivan also made a generous donation to San Francisco’s Glide Memorial Church. The church provides food, shelter, counseling, and medical assistance to the homeless population of San Francisco.
West Oakland neighborhood improvements? We never thought we’d see the day!
Neill Sullivan is a Bay Area real estate developer who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Sullivan Management Company (SMC East Bay), and is also the CEO and president of REO Homes of Oakland.
SMC East Bay manages and rents out renovated apartments in West Oakland, while REO Homes of Oakland is dedicated to restoring and renovating homes in the area.
Neill Sullivan is an entrepreneur who works tirelessly to improve the neighborhoods of West Oakland, in which he owns a number of rental properties.
Here are the top five West Oakland neighborhood improvements brought about by the efforts and funding of the Sullivan Management Company, in conjunction with REO Homes of Oakland.
1. REO Homes of Oakland is the company responsible for hundreds of structural renovations in West Oakland and the surrounding areas. These renovations not only beautify the neighborhood and improve the quality of life for community residents, but the project also creates many new jobs in the area.
2. SMC sponsors a free neighborhood trash pickup service, which effectively removes the inconvenience (not to mention the unsightliness) of those great piles of garbage (such as old mattress es and broken furniture) that were piled up on the sidewalks of West Oakland for years on end.
3. Neill Sullivan footed the bill for hundreds of tree plantings along West Oakland sidewalks. These trees do so much more than decorate the landscape, although they charmingly remind the viewer of the pretty city of Berkeley.
More importantly, trees purify the air and provide shady comfort on hot days. Trees also induce physical exercise, reduce stress, and are generally believed to promote good health.
Community trees can also increase local real estate values.
4. Neill Sullivan has opened a community center in West Oakland called the Sullivan Community Space. The Sullivan Community Space can be used by local residents for most types of community meetings and events. Currently, the space features free martial arts classes for children, as well as movie screenings, craft fairs, and live music.
5. Neill Sullivan is fond of promoting health and fitness programs, such as those free martial arts classes at the Sullivan Community Space, as well as cash contributions to the Playworks organization and the DASH (Diabetes And Sports Health) camp of West Oakland.
These West Oakland neighborhood improvements are a dream that most Bay Area residents thought would never happen. For years, there was little economic stability in the community.
Other contributions from Neill Sullivan and his associates include a generous donation to San Francisco’s Glide Memorial Church, which serves as a haven for San Francisco’s homeless population. The church consistently provides food, shelter, and other emergency services.
Many new West Oakland homes come from the Sullivan Management Company (SMC East Bay), where Neill Sullivan currently serves as president and CEO. He is also the head of REO Homes of Oakland.
During the Oakland foreclosure crisis of the past decade, Neill Sullivan was a real estate investor who took the opportunity to buy and develop mostly vacant properties, while at the same time investing in a long neglected part of town, West Oakland.
Neill Sullivan is well known for restoring and renting many of the hundreds of West Oakland homes he owns. Before Neill Sullivan bought these properties, many of them remained vacant and/or seriously neglected. Some of them were more than 100 years old.
The recent restoration of West Oakland primarily involves the renovation of many homes in the area that were, at one time, steps away from being condemned. Far too many of these West Oakland homes had not been maintained. Many of them sat vacant through the years. Some of them were not even considered safe to enter, making a sale even more difficult. Worse yet, insurers were unwilling to insure these decrepit structures, resulting in banks being unwilling to extend loans.
Unfortunately, property taxes still have to be paid by the owner of a property, whether or not it sits vacant. Those taxes could be better used for neighborhood schools, community services, and road repair, among other things.
REO Homes is a company that was formed for the purpose of investing in Oakland by purchasing and restoring neglected homes, as well as making improvements to the communities surrounding these homes.
For every restoration project undertaken, Neill Sullivan employs mainly local residents, and hires local area contractors exclusively. His continuous neighborhood improvements create a desirable area where people are willing to pay more to live.
Neill Sullivan has invested a lot of money into the fresh paint, new wiring, updated plumbing, and other necessary repairs and maintenance services performed on these long neglected West Oakland homes. Anyone who has ever paid for housing materials and construction labor has some idea of the exorbitant cost of home renovations.
Inherent in the long awaited restoration of West Oakland are the many new jobs created for contractors, construction workers, painters, plumbers, electricians, landscape designers, cleaning crews, and especially general laborers. Also reaping the benefits of the new improved West Oakland are the owners and employees of quite a few new local businesses.
Neill Sullivan approached what seemed like a very risky proposition, investing during a financial crisis, and ended up contributing to make West Oakland a cleaner and safer place to live.